Property Signs in Australia
Property signs are put up to show critical information about a piece of land or a building. They help people understand the rules and boundaries of that place.
Property signs are used in various places like houses, farms, businesses, and industrial sites to communicate rules and protect the property.
In Australia, these signs follow standards set by the government to ensure consistency and understanding.
Types of Property Signs:
- Private Property Signs: These signs tell people that the land or building belongs to someone and they shouldn't enter without permission.
- No Trespassing Signs: These signs warn people they cannot enter a specific property without permission.
- Warning Signs: These signs caution about potential dangers on the property, like electric fences or deep holes.
- Keep Out Signs: These signs tell people to avoid a particular area.
Colours and Shapes:
- Private Property Signs: Often use words like "Private Property" and can have a simple rectangular or square shape. The background is usually white with black writing.
- No Trespassing Signs: Similar to private property signs, these may use red and black colours for higher visibility, with clear messages like "No Trespassing" or "Do Not Enter".
- Warning Signs: These signs use bright colours like yellow with black writing or symbols to grab attention. Shapes can vary but are usually triangular.
- Keep Out Signs: They might use a combination of red and black, and their shape can vary, but they often have clear symbols like a hand in a "stop" gesture.